Open WOD 12.3 + Sneak Peek


If you feel like you missed out on the current paleo challenge, no need to fear because we plan on having another challenge at the very beginning of April 2014. This challenge will start right after the Crossfit Open which will be a perfect time to reevaluate your fitness goals for the upcoming season. The gameplan is to kick off our challenge with a couple of benchmark workouts so that we have something to retest at the end of the 6 weeks. It’s kinda like a science experiment…. testing how certain foods affect your sleep, energy levels, mood and training. To track physical changes we will take basic body measurements at the start and rerecord at the finish. Yes, this is a challenge so there will be prizes for our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners! This challenge is not just about weight loss- unlike the latest episode of The Biggest Loser! Prizes will be awarded based on overall improvement in the benchmark workouts, involvement in daily logging, and changes in body composition/measurements. In my mind, everyone is a winner. Wait until you see the overall changes that you will experience. Keep in mind that although this a challenge, it is important to remember that the paleo diet is a lifestyle, not just a crash diet in order to lose weight. We want you to experience firsthand the amazing improvements that positive dietary changes can have upon your overall life. You have some time to do a little research and plan ahead. We’ll keep you posted with more details in the next few weeks!

If you felt like I was just speaking another language, check out a little bit more on the paleo diet HERE.


Open WOD 12.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 24,20 (full stand)
12 Push presses (115,75)
9 Toes-to-bar