Schedule Update – We will be running a reduced schedule on MLK DAY – Monday January 19th. We will be holding classes in one box at 530,630,730,9,11,12,4,5,6,7. The bootcamp will remain at 6:15 and Moskility is cancelled.
The 2015 Open is Coming!
The Crossfit Open is the first round of the CrossFit Games and consists of 1 workout each week over the course of 5 weeks. Over the next few weeks we will be re-testing Open workouts from previous years to prepare and get in the Open spirit. Some days we will even partner up and judge each other, so you are all familiar with the process. There is no reason for you to not sign up, as you will be attending class anyway, right?
“What’s the point, I don’t plan on making it to Regionals,” you say? The Open is fun! It is designed so you push yourself to your limit, see how you improve year to year and find out the areas where you could use some extra improvement, making your training more focused in the next coming year. Additionally, if a wheelhouse WOD comes up and you crush it, your score will be contributed to the team and can help send a potential CrossFit Southie team to Regionals this year!
We will have more info describing the Open, how to sign up, how to contribute to the team, etc.. in coming weeks. Keep training hard and get excited!
Bring a Friend Day is THIS Saturday!
Next Saturday, January 17th is Bring a Friend Day during the 9:30 and 10:30am classes. The workout for the bring a friend day will be different than the regular class, but will still have many of the same components. You are welcome to bring whoever you want- significant other, brother/sister, parent, co-worker, roommate, or a buddy. They do not need to have any experience with CrossFit. We are going to cover all of the movements in detail and there will be multiple coaches on to help all of the newbies. You will partner with your buddy, cheer them on, and help make their first experience a fun and positive one. There is no advance sign-up necessary. Just make sure they arrive a few minutes early to fill out some paperwork. See you there!
21-Day No Sugar Challenge – Kicks off on Monday!
Just a reminder that the 21-Day No Sugar Challenge to benefit Charlee and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia begins on Monday, January 18th. The challenge is to completely remove sugar from your diet for 21 Days straight. If you slip up or cheat, you must restart the challenge all over again. There is a $15 buy in, and all proceeds will go to benefit Charlee, a 3 year-old girl battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Click HERE to read more about the challenge and Charlee’s story, and if you haven’t already signed up, be sure to stop by the front desk tomorrow or Saturday to sign up, take baseline measurements and get your pre-challenge photo taken.
Open WOD 11.4
20 Minute AMRAP
5 Power cleans (145lbs / 100lbs)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20lbs to 10′, 14lbs to 9ft)
Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,50)
Conditioning Class: WOD
Row 200m
Rest 30 seconds
Conditioning Class: Core
Russian Twists with kettlebell
Weighted Situps with kettlebell
Glute Bridges with kettlebell