There will be no Saturday Classes! Instead we are having our 1 yr anniversary scavenger hunt from 9-11am. Please meet at the box just before 9, everyone is strongly encouraged to participate.
Schedule Update – Starting this week, we will be adding a 3:30 Friday All Levels class. Hopefully you can all get out of work a little earlier on Fridays and hit up CFS.
In the past 2 weeks we have seen some pretty difficult movements come up. Handstand push ups, snatches, chest to bar pull ups to name a few. These and many other movements we do require a great deal of skill and fitness to be able to perform as prescribed. Remember that CrossFit, and health and wellness as a whole, is all about the process. Performing technical CrossFit movements, achieving strength goals, even living a healthy lifestyle all take time and dedication to achieve. While we all want to be able to bang out muscle ups, butterfly kipping pull ups, or squat many hundreds of pounds, there are many small steps to take before achieving these long terms goals.
I encourage you to think about the process of getting to where you want to be every time you set foot in the box. How are you going to get better at what we are doing that day? How are you going to get better in general? Maybe it’s eliminating or downsizing bands from your pullups or handstand pushups. Maybe its going for a few extra pounds on a squat. Or maybe its just saying that you are going to push harder in today’s 3 minute intervals than you pushed all week. Challenge yourself to get better every time you show up to CrossFit Southie. If you focus on the process of getting better and the small victories you can achieve each day, bigger victories are in the future, and closer than you may think.
Front squat
5 rounds of
AMRAP 3 minutes of
10 box jumps (24/20)
15 sit ups
Rest 1 minute