There will be no Yoga this Sunday.
This was honest to goodness the hardest challenge to pick winners for yet. There were very many of you that did not cheat at all, and the physical results have been very exciting.
For those of you that missed it, the Whole 30 was a 30 day challenge that involved strict Paleo eating (organic/grassfed meats or lean cuts or meats, fish, as many vegetables as you could fit in your mouth, some fruit, and healthy fats-no more that a handful of nuts in one sitting), no added sugar (honey and agave were a no go), no alcohol (not even a glass of red wine), no whey protein, and most importantly no cheat days, meals, or snacks.
I was shocked at the number of people that actually decided to do the challenge and stuck with it for the 30 days. I can honestly say that in all of the challenges that I have put on (this is either my 5th or 6th) I have never seen this good of compliance or this great of a result overall. I guess there is something to be said about going cold turkey instead of letting cheats slide here and there.
What was truly different about this challenge was the emphasis on the food and staying true to the ecouraged foods, rather than focusing on weight-loss and volume of exercise. The winners were very difficult to choose because I was not looking for the greatest physical results. Winners were determined by how detailed their journal was, whether or not they vegetables with each meal instead of replacing veggies with fruit or omitting them all together, if they made an effort to try new things and explain the ingredients in their foods. Secondarily, I looked at the goals that were decided at the beginning of the challenge. Were the goals realistic? Were they attained on some level? If it had come down to physical results the winners would have been completely different, and for those peeps I have given honerable mentions.
I guess it is not surprising that 3 of the 4 winners are girls, girls are much better at creative cooking and logging. They are all equal winners and will recieve $20.00 in cash.

Kenrdra Kinscherf- Winner
I am so pumped for Kendra. Kendra came really close to winning in the last challenge:
Weight loss: 12.6lbs
% of Weight Loss: 9.3%
Waist: -2 inches
Hips: -2.5 inches
This time around Kendra is teeny tiny and did not want to lose any more weight. Her focus was just to get healthier and stronger. And she did!!
Her goals at the start of the challenge were 1. Run a 10k, she had run 4-5 miles at the most, 2. 1 unassisted pul-up- she was on the blue band, and 3. 100lb front squat, which would be a 10lb PR. Kendra ran her 10k, can now string 3 unassisted pull-ups together, and she got here100lb front squat! Not only that she increased all of her lifts, most notably a 20lb PR on her push-press. Kendra was suffering from migrains, but since she was been doing the whole 30 they have disappeared.
Kendra did not cheat in the 30 days, had a complete journal, and ate her food in the correct proportions.
Heather Wojcik-Winner
Heather had a maximum point total and had great detail in her journal. She ate the right foods in the right proportions. In 30 days Heather lost 5.6lbs- 4% of her bodyweight.
Heather’s goals were 1. 1-3 RX handstand push-ups, 2. 135lb clean, and 3. 10 consecutive push-ups. Heather can now do 3 RX hspus, 10 consecutive push-ups, and came sooo close to getting that 135lb clean.
Anthony Iannone- Winner, Winner, Whole30 Chicken Dinner!
Anthony Iannone held it down for the guys. Anthony lost 10.6lbs, 4.7% of his body weight. His journal was extremely detailed and he did not cheat at all. Anthony told me that he traveled 23 out of the 30 days of this challenge. Most people would have used this as an excuse to put off their diet until their schedule slows down, but Anthony defied the odds. His journal was very detailed and had great sources of protein and a variety of vegetables. Anthony’s goals ended up not being applicable due to his travel, but since this was primarily a diet challenge he still qualified for the win.
Ashley Wheeler- Winner
Ashley had the most weight-loss at of all of the ladies who did the 30 day challenge. Ashley lost 13.6lbs, which was 8.2% of her body weight. Ashley set 3 good goals: 1.Band-free ring dips, 2. exceding 135lbs for a lean and jerk, and 3. running a sub 7:30 mile. Ashley knocked out 6 consecutive RX ring dips right in front of me, hit a clean and jerk of 145lbs, and matched her old time for her mile while fighting an ankle injury. Ashley did a good job logging as well. She ate the right foods in the right proportions.
Tomorrow’s post will have more great results for the whole 30 challenge!
Open WOD 13.4
7 Minute AMRAP
3 Clean and Jerks (135,95)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerks (135,95)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks (135,95)
9 Toes to Bar
…and so on
Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (85,45)
WOD 2 (optional)
3 Rounds
500m Row
Rest 2 minutes
Record and report all 3 split times