We have a partner WOD on Saturday – feel free to bring a Friend by to check out the box!
Alternating Tabata
Medball Cleans
Goals for Reps to hit
ADV- 7 reps, 30/20 medball
Rx- 5 reps
L1/L2 – 4 reps
5 Minutes on Command by Instructor- No breaks
-Russain Twists
-Jacknives/modified v-ups
-Knee tucks with feet on the ball
-Plank hold with forearms on the ball
-Sit-ups holding the ball overhead
3×10 Single Leg Stiff Legged Deadlifts
*Movement starts from the top. Barbell comes to just below the knee and does not touch the ground
4 Rounds
800m Run
15 Burpees
15 Deadlifts (225,155)
Level 2- (185,125)
Level 1- (135,95), 400m Run, 10 Reps