Primarily Outdoors – Unless raining
Please do not park in the lot
October Fundamentals
Back by popular demand….Another session of Fundamentals!
We understand that starting any new fitness routine can be overwhelming and somewhat intimidating. The goal of the CrossFit Southie Fundamentals Program is to eliminate your fears, introduce you to the CrossFit methodology, and have some fun – all while getting fitter. Through eight 60-minute sessions, we will teach you how to move safely and efficiently through the most common movements you will encounter in our general CrossFit classes. At the end of the four weeks, you will have a strong understanding of the foundations of CrossFit, be ready to make the transition into general CrossFit classes… and be a whole lot fitter!
Class is held on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7:00 – 8:00 PM starting Tuesday October 5th! For more information and to register click HERE.
15|10 Cal Row
10 Heel Elevated Squats*
10 Supinated Bent Over Rows
10 Strict Press
15|10 Cal Row
10 Air Squats
10 Pronated Bent Over Rows
10 Push Press
15|10 Cal Row
10 Front Squats
10 Mix Grip Bent Over Rows
10 Thrusters**
*Slide a 10/15# Plate Under Heels
**On Coach’s Cue
Forearm Rolling
Quad/Hip Stretch
Minute 1: Front Squat- 3 Reps
Minute 2: ME* Strict Pull-ups**
Minute 3: Rest
*ME= Max effort set, which means max unbroken without coming down off the pull-up bar. Full extension of the elbows at the bottom, chin over the bar
**Can sub bent-over dual kb/db row for strict pull-ups
60|50 Calorie Row
30 Thrusters 95|65
40|30 Calorie Row
20 Thrusters
20|15 Calorie Row
10 Thrusters
Level 2 – 75|50
Level 1- 65|35
ADV – 115|75
Extra Work
12 Wall Climbs
100 Double Unders
12 Wall Climbs
WOD Credit – Training Think Tank
Top Female Time – 2:44
Scaled – Cut Wall Climbs in half