Nutrition Weigh-Ins & Cleaning out the Cubbies


Paleo/Performance Challenge Weigh-Ins Today!
Just a reminder, due to the large number of people also participating in the Southie Showdown next weekend, benchmark workouts will be tested the week of 11/9, following the Showdown. If you’re antsy and want to complete some benchmarks on your own be fore then, go for it! We’ll take measurements/weigh-ins next week. Be sure to stop by the desk to check out your results!

Today – Evening Classes
Wednesday 11/4 – Evening Classes
Thursday 11/5 – Evening Classes
Friday 11/6 – Morning Classess
*If you can’t make it in during one of these times, stop by the desk and ask a coach for help.

Cleaning Out CubbiesToaster Bags
We are asking everyone who has shoes, bags, etc. on any of the shelves in the Toaster or Mobility Room or in the cubbies in Southie Green and Orange to take them home for the next few days. We need the areas to be clear to make room for the Southie Showdown this weekend. Once the Showdown is over, you are more than welcome to bring your shoes back and leave them at the gym again on Monday. We thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Rope Climbs
Buddy Carry

Partner WOD
1 Mile Run
50 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Rope Climbs
400m Buddy Carry (or Farmer’s Carry)
10 Rope Climbs
50 Burpee Pull-ups
2k Row

Run, reps, and row can be divided between partners however you want. Switch on buddy carry whenever you want.

Level 2- 30 Burpee Pull-ups, 5 Rope Climbs, Farmers Carry (1.5,1)
Level 1- 800m Run, 20 Burpee Pull-ups, 10 Pull to Stands, Farmers Carry (1,0.75), 1k Row

Conditioning Class: WOD
:30 on, :30 off on Rower
Accumulate 200 Calories in as few rounds as possible.

Conditioning Class: Core
Double Alternating Tabata
1. AbMat Sit ups
2. Hollow Rocks
3. Supermans
4. Plank Hold