To sign up for the PR for Pat fundraising WOD on Saturday August 2, please click HERE.
Just a reminder that we plan to take our field trip to the Body World’s Exhibit located on the 2nd floor of Quincy Marketplace this upcoming Saturday, July 26th at 11 am. The exhibition features 15 full bodies, 200 supporting exhibits of organs, body slices, photographs, etc. and concentrates on health and wellness to show just exactly how your lifestyle affects the body.The tour is no set amount of time so you can choose to stay as long or as little as you would like. The cost is only $20, so if you plan on attending, please sign up HERE. Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity!
Ring Work
Partner WOD
For Reps:
In 5 minutes
Run 400m
Then as a team AMRAP Thrusters (95,65)
Rest 1 Minute
In 5 minutes
Run 400m
Then as a team AMRAP Box Jump Up and Overs (24,20)
Rest 1 Minute
In 5 minutes
Run 400m
Then as a team AMRAP Kettlebell swings (2,1.5)
Rest 1 Minute
In 5 Minutes
Run 400m
Then as a Team AMRAP Toes to Bar
Level 2 (75,55), (1.5,1)
Level 1 (65,35), (1,0.75)
5 x 1000m Row
Rest 2 minutes
Splits must stay within 5 seconds. 10 burpee penalty for each row not within 5 seconds.
3 x 10 Weighted Hip Extensions