Please be considerate of our neighbors’ parking today. CES is open until 12, please do not park in their spots or block their enterance. Carpool if you can. You can park along the BCBS fence, but please make sure that the 400m path is in no way blocked. All of dorchester ave is street parking and Hilti is closed over the weekend so that is all fair game. The last thing that you want is to be half way through one of the events and have to stop to move your car. Please relay this to friends and family as well.
Throwdown Itinerary
Volunteers and Judges arrive- 8am
Judges Meeting 8:15am- 8:25 Cover all standards for first 3 workouts
Volunteer/Judges gathering- 8:30- Will cover more details about the day’s flow
Athlete Briefing 8:30am- Cover all standards for first 3 wods
Opening announcements- 8:50am
WOD 1 Start-9:00am
WOD 2 Start- 10:30am
WOD 3 Start- 11:55am
BBQ Begins- 1:00pm
**There will be a final WOD for the top 6 men and top 6 RX women following the third WOD**
Click here to see your heat assignments and stations for WODs 1-3.These heat assignments may have changed since you last looked, so you may want to double check your heat.
Athletes you must be present at the 8:30 athlete briefing to compete. We will be covering all of the standards then. Thanks!
Event 1
7 minutes to establish 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Event 2
5 Rounds
10 Front Squats (135,95)
30 Double Unders
8 minute cap
Level 2 (115,65), 15 Double Unders
Level 1 (95,45), 60 Singles
Event 3
One time through
400m Run
30 Pull-ups
30 Box Jumps (24,20)
30 Burpees
30 Kettlebells Swings (2,1.5)
200m Sandbag run
12 minute cap
Level 2 (1.5,1)- Blue band
Level 1 (1,.25)- Green band or jumping
Some things to take note of:
- The warm-up area will be in Southie Orange. There will be NO structured warm-up. You are on your responsible for warming up on your own and please make sure you do so adequately!
- There will not be a jump rope in your station for workout 2. Make sure you supply your own jump rope at the proper length, or find one at the box to use prior to the start of your heat.
- You will have a judge for every workout, please be nice to your judge 🙂 If they say “no rep” it means it doesn’t count. We will be covering standards at the athlete meeting at 8:30am and we will be strict about upholding those standards.
- You are doing 3 workouts! Bring some recovery food with you. Something with sugar like fruit or a larabar , or a protein shake will help your energy level and recovery. Please prepare, it will help your performance.
- We will have lots of food for the BBQ. If youcan contribute something yummy and fun that would be great!!
- Remember the purpose of this event is to have fun! So pleeease just do your best and have a blast.