Paleo Points Clarification
Hey Guys! Soooo it is +2 for fish oil, not +3. Also, the max amount of points you can receive in 1 day is 23- (15 for logging, 3 for crossfit, 3 for mobility, and 2 for fish oil). You cannot get extra points for doing double workouts, more is not always better. However, yoga classes are counted as mobility and you can double up with crossfit and yoga. You actually do need to log your 15 points each entry, it will not enter automatically. If you have other questions post them and I will try to get back to you quickly! -Amy
Also, PaleoPowerMeals are ready to be ordered and delivered. Ordering must be placed by Wednesday at 9pm and will be delivered on Monday or Wednesday of the following week depending on your preference. Our fridge will is being delivered on Friday so start ordering today! Click on the link above or on the side bar to order.
Every Day is a Chance to Get Better
Trust me when I say that us coaches at CF Southie all understand that it is tough to take a day off once you get bit by the CrossFit bug. After the initial daily soreness wears off from your first few weeks of classes all you want to do is get to the gym and do something kick ass. We love this mentality, we live this mentality, and love seeing it spread through everyone that walks into the door.
The thing is you can’t come in and crush things every day. The “prescription” that CrossFit lays out is to work 3 days on and 1 day off. This obviously varies for some people based on things like work/life schedule and your physical recovery. When people ask me about what sort of schedule they should follow I say I believe in 2 philosophies.
1: It is hard to over-train if you are properly fueling your body. The harder you work the more and better food and nutrients you need for your body. If you are fueling correctly you will recover properly.
2: Listen to your body. Everyone gets tired and sore. If you are going about your workouts the right way, meaning going as hard as you can every time you show up, you probably shouldn’t be working more than 3 days in a row and/or more than 5 days a week. Your body needs rest and soreness and extreme fatigue is your body’s way of telling you.
Taking an off day doesn’t mean you can’t do something to get better though. The most important and best thing to do on an “off” day is mobilize. Whether you come into the box or do it at home/work, grab a roller, a ball, or whatever other devices you have and get at the sore and trouble spots on your body. Spend the time watching football or Bachelor Pad getting your stretch on (I am glued to the TV during both). If you are the kind of person that can’t stay away from CFS then come in and work with a PVC on technique or come to a mobility or yoga class. And if you love learning and getting better, whether it be learning some new cooking techniques, new stretches, or other training styles (powerlifting, strongman, endurance) then you can spend time during an off day reading articles to help expand your knowledge. The CrossFit Journal costs $20 a year and has tons of articles posted every day about all sorts of things. A simple google search about a subject that interests you can bring you to all sorts of new portals of information. Try it out.
Whether you have 10 minutes or 2 hours of free time during an off day you can use that time to improve on SOMETHING. CrossFit extends beyond just the physical activity side of things. It is a lifestyle of its own. Never stop getting better in anything in life including your health and wellness.
Iron cross
Kip/Butterfly pull ups
20 minute amrap
400m run
Max pull-ups
As soon as you let go of the bar you are back out the door for another run.