Nice Bum Where Ya From?

Quigley - 24/7/365
Quigley – 24/7/365

KEEP CALM AND JERRY REMYS ON. At 10am Yoga on Sunday, Tamara will be raffling off TWO SEPARATE $50 DOLLAR GIFT CARDS TO JERRY REMY’S SPORTS BAR located at Southie’s waterfront! PLEASE NOTE: Many have been asking if you can arrive late to yoga class after doing the 9am WOD in Green; that is totally fine! Come in whenever you can and Tamara will get your name at the end before she draws the raffle. SEE YOU SUNDAY!

Guts and Butts
50 hollow rocks
50 bridges or 25 SL bridges each side
25 side plank raises each side
25 Jane Fondas each side
Then a 2 minute plank hold

4 Rounds
Row 500m
16 toes to bar
16 Alternating Kettlebell Lunges (2,1.5)
Rest 2 minutes