Outdoors Primarily
2020 has been a really hard year; self care was probably pushed to the back burner while focusing on the current state of the world and just trying to stay afloat. It’s about time to put a little focus on ourselves and engage in some self care before the end of this year with a new nutrition challenge!! Kicking off October 12th and finishing up right before Thanksgiving – find more info here: http://bit.ly/CFSNutrition and a link to sign up here: http://bit.ly/CFSSheet
500M Run
2 Rounds
-5 90/90 External Rotation
-10 180 Squat Jumps
-10 Behind the neck bandy press in snatch grip
-5 Banded Pass Throughs in each squat position
¼ Squat
½ Squat
Full Squat
Lat Rolling
Overhead Stretching
WOD – 35 minute cap
“Nasty Nancy”
5 Rounds For Time
500m Run
15 Overhead Squats 185|125
15 Bar facing Burpees
Level 4- 155|105
Level 3 135|95
Level 2 115|75, 4 Rounds
Level 1 95|55, 4 Rounds, 10 Reps of each
Extra Work
Every 3 minutes for 5 Sets
9|7 Pull Ups
7|5 Chest 2 Bar
5|3 Bar Muscle Ups
Scaled – Strict, Chest 2 Bar, Chin over bar – use bands as necessary.
ADV – Strict, C2B, Bar Muups