Smart Toasties


At this competitive level, you are expected to be a smart athlete.  Please know your limits.  There is a lot of volume here and if you need to take an extra day off because you are not caught up on sleep or just aren’t feeling it, do so.  Listen to your body.  Ca$h outs are optional but if they are things you struggle with, make sure you get them in at some point or do them in place of your strength sets if being a beast isn’t your weakness.

Along the same lines, make sure you are choosing the right weight/modifications when it comes to the WOD.  Please heavily take into consideration the time cap.  We program for the strongest/most gymnasty/best conditioned person in the gym.  It’s okay to choose the Open weight/mods once in a while.  Those Open weights are going to make us faster and better at Open WODs which has proven to be more and more difficult each year to get through.  Standing around the Games weight and finishing just under the time cap or over the time cap isn’t going to make you any better.  Use your platform time for your strength and your metcon for your metcon.

If something bothers you don’t avoid it forever.  If your back hurts when deadlifiting, address the underlying issues.  Stretch and roll, your hips rotators and flexors, hamstrings and thoracic spine.  Practice virtuosity “doing the common, uncommonly well.”  Stay light on deadlifts, instead of completely omitting them, and instead work on getting tight and executing perfect form.  Throw in some light weight good mornings or stiff legged deadlifts to increase ROM and bring up your weak spots.  Avoiding the issue at hand is similar to avoiding your weakness, it is only going to come back to haunt you in the long run.  This brings me to my last point, continue to attack your weaknesses.  Make sure you show up for the workouts that take you out of your comfort zone.  I typically will skip workouts I know I am good at because even though it feels good to finish a WOD at the top, I know that I will be a better competitor come gameday by using that time instead to work more on weaknesses.

Warm Up
10 OHS
10 muscle snatch
5 drop snatch
5 heaving snatch balance
5 high hang squat snatch
5 low hang (above the knee squat snatch)
5 low hang(below the knee squat snatch)
5 full squat snatch from just off the floor.

1. Deficit Deadlift – 2-2-2-2-2
2. Romanian Deadlifts 3×5
* heavy, use a deficit if possible.

4 rounds of
5 Squat Snatch
20 T2B

Games (185/135)
Regional (155/105)
Open (135/95)

Ca$h Out-
a. KB/DB weighted Sit Up x 20 (heavy)
b. Glute-Ham raises x 10 – Click For Video
* go immediately from set a to set b then switch partners. Perform 3 sets of each.

A Glute-ham raise is a hip extension on a glute ham bench finished with knee flexion. Set the fulcrum up at the midpoint of the quads. Perform slowly to maximize leg flexion demand.