Independence Weekend Schedule –
Friday July 3rd – 4,5,6 & 7pm only – no classes in Southie Orange
Saturday July 4th – 8am & 9am
Sunday July 5th – normal schedule – 9am 10am, 11am & 12pm – no yoga
As we mentioned yesterday, this year’s spring paleo challenge was the most successful yet! We had 6 people lose over 10 pounds and have some amazing improvements all around. We want to give a special shout out to a few more athletes for their amazing accomplishments over the 6-week challenge. Deciding the top three was the hardest it has ever been, and these athletes were all in the running. Check out their amazing transformations. Way to go, guys!
Gianna Mullane
Total Points: 706
Weight: -11.8 lbs (7.57%)
Waist: -5.5 inches
Hips: -2.5 inches
Grace: -1:35
1RM Deadlift: +15 lbs
Helen: -2:22
1000m Row: -0:22.6
Neal Mullane
Total Points: 715
Weight: -11.8 lbs (6.18%)
Waist: -3 inches
Hips: -1 inch
Grace: -0:47
1RM Deadlift: +15 lbs
Helen: -1:05
1000m Row: -0:10.8
Ryan Gould
Total Points: 811
Weight: -10.4 lbs (5.8%)
Waist: -1.5 inches
Hips: -1.5 inches
1RM Deadlift: +20 lbs
Helen: -0:57
Front Squat
Back Squat (135/95)
Box Jump (27,24)
Level 2 (115,75), (24,20)
Level 1 (95,45), (24,20)
1 mile run at 70%
Level 1-800m Run
Conditioning Class: WOD
20 min AMRAP
Row 250m
50 Double Unders
Rest :30 seconds
Conditioning Class: Core
2 Rounds
:30 on, :15 off
With a medicine ball:
Right side lateral tosses
Left side laterall tosses
Knee tucks