Hollow Rock Challenge Starts Today!
Back by popular demand, the Hollow Rock Challenge is back in 2016! We will start with 10 hollow rocks today, and we will be adding 10 each week until we get to 100. We prefer quality over quantity so we are offering a scaling option of 5 per week up to 50 this go around, but we expect to see the most solid hollow rocks around.
Hollow rocks are great for building mid-line stability, which will help you gain efficiency in weight-lifting and gymnastic movements. If you are not here today, make sure you get these done on your own at home. You can also add them in a few extra times throughout the week to increase proficiency and strength. Check out the instructional video from GymnasticsWOD on how to achieve a quality hollow body position here. Happy hollow rockin’!
Hollow Rock Challenge – Week 1
10 Hollow Rocks
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Split Jerk
Squat Clean (135,95)
Double Unders x5 (50,45,40…)
Level 2- 115,75
Level 1- 95,45