“I don’t care about getting an unassisted pull ups” – Said no one ever. Pull ups are awesome. Not only do they look cool, they build incredible amounts of upper body pulling strength, and more importantly help our back, shoulders and arms looked totally ripped. Sure, progress can be achieved by following a strength building program that includes strict pull ups, varied grips, supersets, etc but I want to focus on the mobility side of the movement. Opening up the lats, chest and thoracic spine we will allow our bodies to function most efficiently. Train smarter, not harder.
With your arms over your head place a roller in the middle of the back while draping yourself over it like a towel on a towel rack. This will allow the back to effectively flex and extend helping to transfer energy from our hips to our shoulders. Spend a few minutes working all the way to the top of your shoulders.
Pretend as if you are a SI swimsuit model striking a pose on the beach. Then place a large ball under your arm pit targeting the insertion of your lat muscle. Rotate side to side to loosen up the muscle mainly responsible for your pull ups. No pain face, blue steel only.
Using a looped stretching strap, pvc pipe, or rubber band lengthen and loosen up the chest muscles by performing standard pass throughs. Keep your midline tight, elbows straight and remember to spend the most time in that “sticky spot” behind your back.
If you want to improve your pull ups you must put the work into a strength building program but more importantly your mobility before class, after class, during class and at home. Don’t over think it, just do it. 5-15 minutes per day is enough to feel and see change/progress. Remember, if you do not have the proper mobility tools check out WWW.MOBLOKO.COM for your own personal mobility kit. CFS members receive a discount so take advantage!
We still need judges for the Southie Showdown! If you are available to help at any point on November 8 & 9, please click HERE to sign up. All judges receive a t-shirt and lunch from Paleo Power Meals. We are very thankful for your help!
Kettlebell Work
-RX Classes (KB Snatches, KB OHS)
– L1/L2 (windmills, KB clean, KB press)
Calories on the Rower
Kettlebell Swings (1.5,1)
Double Unders x2
Level 2 (1,0.75)
Level 1 (0.75,0.5), 2x’s singles, 40-30-20-10
Conditioning Class: WOD
Odd – 15/12 Calories on Airdyne
Even – Run 100m
Conditioning Class: Core
With a medicine ball:
3 Rounds
20 Knee Tucks
20 Russian Twists
20 Sit ups