Box Announcement:
Every Tuesday we host the Mobility Class @ 7:00pm in Southie Green led by DPT Coach Matt Martinez. This is a great opportunity to learn self massage and stretching techniques to help reduce soreness and improve performance. Taking this class does NOT count toward your membership. Come check it out!
Partner Up!
2 Rounds
P1: Row 18/15 Calories
P2: Weighted side plank with kettlebell
*Switch sides for second round
14 Minute AMRAP
60 calorie row
50 Toes-to-bar
40 Wall-ball shots, (20 to 10-foot target/14 to 9-foot)
30 Power Cleans, (135,95)
20 Muscle-Ups
Level 3 – (115,75), Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Level 2 – (115,75), Chest to Bar Pull-ups 50-30-30-20 Reps
Level 1 – (95,55), 40-30-30-20-10 Pull-ups
Rest/Group Led Mobility
10 Minutes Complete
50/40 Calories on the Bike or 60/50 Ski Erg
In the remaining time max distance on the rower
Extra Work
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
Minutes 0-2- 10 Overhead Squats @ 75% Followed by Max Calories on the Bike
Minute 2- 3- Rest
Minute 3-5 8 @ 80% Followed by Max Calories on the Bike
Minute 6- 6 @85%
Minute 9- 4 @90%
Minute 12- 2 @95%