Midline Mash Up

Crossfit will make ya...JUMP JUMP
Crossfit will make ya…JUMP JUMP

Weekly Strength Schedule
MondayDeadlift + Strict Press
TuesdayFront Squat

Midline Mash-up
1 Minute Each
2 Rounds
1. Hollow Rocks
2. Plank Hold
3. Sit-ups
4. Jackknives
5. Rest

3 Rounds
600m Run
15 Squat Cleans (115,75)
15 Ring Dips

Level 2- (95,55)
Level 1- (75,35), 400m Run

At Home WOD:
4 Rounds
10 Plank ups (each side)
20 Hollow Rocks
30 Air Squats

Scroll to Bottom Of Page for More “Travel WODs”