Midline Crush + Partner WOD


Cold & Flu season is right around the corner so we strongly encourage everyone to stay on top of washing their hands, and wiping down all equipment with the provided disinfectant wipes. Sickness means time away from the gym…and nobody wants that. While on the subject of being clean please be conscious of cleaning up after yourself. Taking down bands, throwing away used tape, tossing empty water bottles and anything else is greatly appreciated. PLEASE be considerate of keeping the gym as clean and organized as possible. Thank you in advance!

Midline Crush
2 Rounds
1 Minute at Each Station
-Abmat Sit-ups
-Hollow Rocks
-Plank Hold
-Jack Knives

Partner WOD
10 Rounds
535m Sprint (1 loop)
50 Double Unders

One partner works at a time.

Level 2- 25 Double Unders
Level 1-300m Sprint, 50 singles