We like to PARTY. We like, we like to PARTY.

These 3 def are in the top 5 for biggest CFS party animals

For starters THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to the CFS Games fund. We are very grateful, this means we can afford to feed TJ. We have planned a little send-off/fundraiser night for those who have donated and those who would like to donate. On Friday, July 6th from 7-9pm we will be having a fundraiser friendly beer tasting at the Harpoon Brewery over in the Seaport (thanks to Corey Johnson the coolest guy I know). There is a suggested donation of $10.00 to take part in the event. What is pretty sweet about the Harpoon tasing room is that  you can bring food! I was thinking about brinigng along paleo apps, so if you are interested in contributing a dish as well, please do! Newbies- this is a really great opportunity to get to know fellow members and to talk more with the coaches! Please come by and get to know the community.

Welcome home bar crawl. That’s right, whether we conquer the games or embarrass the gym we are hitting bar scene July 28th starting at 2pm. This is going to be slightly more aggressive than the beer tasting. We are working on a route this week and we will release it soon. Maybe look into some t-shirts? It is going to be a total blast, we hope to have a large crew.

Just thinking out loud here…but I think it is kind of funny how some people expect us not to have a few drinks every now and then just because we are hardcore worker-outers and healthy eaters. I think we earn it. I think we earn every last drop. Counting down the days to the bar crawl….just sayin…

Medicine Ball Clean
Rowing technique

3 Rounds
500m Row
20 Medicine Ball cleans
15 Medicine Ball Jackknives
100m MB sprint

L2/L1 – 2 rounds