Max Sets


40-30-20-30-40 unbroken double unders with 3 inchworms with 3 clap push-ups each in between
*scale dubs as necessary

Spend 5 minutes on WGS and perfecting upright position for front squat

2 Rounds
1 Seated L-sit Rope Climbs
1 kipping legless rope climb
1 Rope Climb

Games- Complete each round under 1 minute then rest as needed
Regional- 2 kipping Legless
Open- work on legless technique

Front Squat with Chains
Pick a weight that is challenging, but you can put some speed behind. You should be focusing on keeping the elbows high and standing quickly out of the bottom.

WOD (24 minutes)
Every 2 Minutes Complete Max Effort Reps for the following exercises:
1. Ring Dips
2. Toes to Bar
3. Thrusters (135,95)
4. Double Unders

3 Complete Rounds, record the max number of unbroken reps each round. Rest the remainder of time in the interval. There cannot be any break in the movement, for example no double swing on the T2B or no resting in the front rack in the thruster.