We will be holding a reduced schedule at night due to the marathon and will only be running classes in Southie Green. There will be no 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30pm. The remainder of the day remains the same.
Paleo Challenge Testing Week!
The Paleo challenge kicks off on Sunday – just 6 days away! This week we will be doing our baseline testing for WODs and weight, measureements, etc. If you’re participating in the challenge, please do your best to hit the benchmark workouts and stop by the desk to get measured this week to ensure the most accurate results. Six weeks from now we’ll be comparing to see how much you have improved!
Challenge Dates: Sunday, April 26 – Saturday, June 6
Benchmark Workout Testing: Tuesday April 21st & Thursday April 22nd
Baseline Measurements: Tuesday, April 21st during evening classes
Wednesday, April 22 during morning classes
Thursday, April 23 during evening classes
Buy-in: $20 cash only
Paleo Challege Food/Benchmark Logs
To participate in the challenge and log your food and progress, you’ll need an active account on the CrossFit Southie member site. To set up an account, click here. At the bottom left, click “Request Access.” You’ll be prompted for an access code. Enter 02127, and you’ll be able to complete registration. If you plan on participating, please make sure you have an account set up before we take your baseline measurements and weight.
Butterfly pull-ups
“Marathon Monday”
5 Rounds
4 Power Snatches (155,105)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
13 Burpee lateral jumps
After 5 rounds are complete:
800m run
*Your time is your total time for all 5 rounds plus the 800m sprint.
Today we WOD to honor everyone who was impacted by the Marathon bombings last year. Make sure you sprint your heart out on that 800m run!
Level 3- (135, 85)
Level 2- (115,65)
Level 1- (95,45),4 Rounds
Tonight’s Moskillity Class – 7:00-7:45pm in Southie Green with Coach Jones
Movement: Pistols – Single Leg Strength
Mobility Area: Ankles – Quads/Hamstrings – Hips