In-House Throwdown Event Announcement!


Primarily Indoors
Please do not park in the lot

In-House Team Competition – Registration Deadline Is Friday 9/10! Also scroll down to check out Events 2 & 3!
Date: Saturday, 9/18
Cost: $20 Registration
Time: 7:30AM – Athlete Check-In
8:00AM – Athlete Briefing
8:30AM – Event 1 Kick Off
1:30PM – Finish and Start of BBQ!

We are ON for the In-house Competition. This year the events will be held outdoors so we can workout without masks! This competition is for everyone: first time competitors, newbies, long time members, seasoned competitors, and everything in between. This is a fun, no-pressure opportunity to get a taste of what competing is like. More importantly, it’s an opportunity to meet some new people at the gym… because we’ll be making the teams for you!

Teams will be co-ed and will be made up of 2 Rx athletes and 1 scaled athlete. You will choose the division you wish to participate in and then complete the workouts with the prescribed weights or movements for that division. Your coaches will be creating the teams to make sure that they are fair AND to shake things up a bit so that we all have a chance to meet some new faces at the gym. We’ll announce the teams and workouts ahead of time so that you can get together with your team to meet and come up with a game plan. Creative team names and outfits are HIGHLY recommended, though not required.

Team Themes & Costumes…Highly Encouraged!

As always, we’ll close the day out with some beers, ciders, and a barbecue in the parking lot. We really hope that EVERYONE can make it and participate! If you are on the fence, talk to someone in class who did it last year or ask one of your coaches… we will help convince you!

Registration Deadline is THIS FRIDAY!! Registration Link can be found HERE

Check out Events 2 & 3 Below!

Event 2: Intro Relay
7 minute AMRAP
5 Thrusters
5 Burpee Lateral Jumps
5 Box Jump Overs

-Rest 1 minute between athletes-

Event 3: Meanwhile Back In The Boat…..
Row 5,000m for time
(23 min cap)

Events 2 & 3 will occur simultaneously. Teams will receive two separate scores for these events.

In Event 2, each team member will complete the entire 7 minute AMRAP individually. There will be a 1 minute rest between each 7 minute segment. During this rest time, teammates can work together to swap out weights as needed for the next athlete. The three scores will be added together for one score of completed rounds + additional reps.

While Event 2 is in progress, teams will chip away at the 5K row. The two athletes who are not working on Event 2 can switch back and forth on the rower as desired; however, no athlete can row more than 500m at one time. All team members must contribute to the row. Teams do not need to stop rowing during the 1 minute rest portion of Event 2.

Scaled Women – 35#, 20” Box Jumps or Step Ups
Scaled Men – 65#, 24” Box Jumps or Step Ups
Rx Women – 65#, 20” Box Jumps
Rx Men – 95#, 24” Box Jumps

Every 90s x 4 Rounds
10|8* Cal Bike Buy In
-Then AMRAP-
1. Squat Morning
2. Bent Over Row
3. Windshield Wipers
4. Seated Strict Press

*Schwinn – 15|12 Cal

Back Squat
-1 Rep
Load Should start at 85% and climb to 95%

Calore Bike*
Toes to Bar
Thrusters 95|65

*Schwinn – 32-23-14

Level 2- 75|50
Level 1 – 65|35

Extra Work – Active Recovery
5k Bike
3K Row
2k Ski