Light & Movable – CFS

TJ & Pat P – CFNE 2013

**Please note: There will be no babysitting this upcoming Saturday June 3rd. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

10 Muscle Snatches
300m run
10 OHS
200m run
10 Power Snatch (take your time and focus on hitting positions, moving feet and pulling under the bar)
100m run

*Complete 10 more pass throughs and 10 around the worlds with PVC

**Put on working weight for the WOD and repeat with 5 reps of each

Overhead Squat

30 Power Snatches (75,55)
600m Run
20 Power Snatches
400m Run
10 Power Snatches
200m Run

Level 2- 65,45
Level 1- 55,35