1:00 on/:20 Rest & Rotate
– Row for Cals
– Romanian Deadlifts
– Double Jump Burpee Lateral Hops*
– Hang Muscle Cleans
*Perform a burpee next to the barbell, then hop over the barbell and back. Burpee is always performed on the same side of the bar.
Barbell Forearm Mash
Deadlift- 3 Reps 75-80%
Controlled Negative
3 Rounds with Increasing Weight
50/40 Calorie Row
20 Burpee Lateral Jumps
15 Hang Power Cleans
Rest 2 Minutes
Rx: 135/95, 155/105, 185/115
Level 3- 135,95 +10/5lbs
Level 2- 115,75 +10/5lbs
Level 1 – 95,45
Extra Work
Every 3:00 for 15:00
15/12 Calorie Bike
1:00 Sand Bag Hug Hold
*Scale bag as necessary, you should have :40 – 1:00 Rest before the next round