10am Zoom WOD today with Coach Andrea!!
Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times.
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Warm Up
2 Rounds
:30s Each Movement
- Unweighted Step-ups
- Jumping Jacks
- Supermans
- Plank-ups
- Alternating High Plank Birddogs
:30s Rest
- 10 Weighted Step-Ups
- 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Right
- 10 Bulgarian Split Squats Left
200M Run**
10 Front Squats 155|105
*If using lighter weight, increase the reps to 15. If you still have more than 90s left, complete 20 reps.
**Running Sub
250m Row
15|12 calorie bike
100 Double Unders|200 Single Unders or each round rotate through
1 minute of one of the following – plate hops, mountain climbers, high knees, jumping jacks, side shuffle
There should be a good amount of rest time. Go hard and record your splits!