Dr. Miguel is back on Saturday! – CFS

Partner Leg Throws

Sports and Wellness Appointments with Dr. Fernandez THIS Saturday!
Due to popular demand, Dr. Fernandez will be back THIS Saturday and is still booking appointments! Dr. Fernandez works on Chris and I and helps us recover better through tissue work and adjustments. He has helped me significantly after having Chase to get my body functioning properly again. Dr. Fernandez is taking appointments for this Saturday, April 15th. Right now he is still wide open! Dr. Fernandez is an Internationally Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician and a member of the International Federation of Chiropractic Sports Physicians.

Rates and treatments are below. His adjustments include soft tissue work, which is my favorite part. Sign up HERE to try him out!

Barbell Abs
3 Rounds
45on :15 off
BB Roll-outs
BB Wipers
Plank up and over the Barbell

Back Squat

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Pull-ups
10 Front Rack Lunges (135,95)

Level 2- (115,75)
Level 1- (95,55)
ADV- (155,105), 5 Bar Muscle-ups