Kettlebell Schwings…Excellent, Party Time!

Coach Chuck Going Over The HSPU
Coach Chuck Going Over The HSPU

Unfortunately, the Brogster has his hands full with his new gig over at New Balance and is unable to consistently lead the Tuesday night Endurance WODs.  We do plant to continue the Endurance Program for the month of October in the absence of Brogan. Meet at the box at 6:30 a coach will get you warmed up, give you a workout and then let you go to town on your own as a class. WODs will be in the form repeats around the box. In October, we have a few coaches getting Endurance certified  through CrossFit and will make this a more formal class with pose technique and row technique training, etc.. either on Sundays or Thursdays. We will keep you posted.

In the picture on the left the athlete is demonstrating classic over extension with a weak hollow (core) position. In the picture on the right the athlete is shown engaging the midsection and protecting the low back. The glutes are still not as active as we would ideally like to see them in the right picture (the hips could be tucked under more), however the athlete is demonstrating a much more stable, safer, connected position when compared to the picture on the left.  Practice virtuosity – “doing the common, uncommonly well.”  Get tight and stay tight, make everything a butt and ab exercise and your fitness will reap the benefits.

High Bar Box Squat

10 Minute AMRAP
Ascending Ladder of
KettleBell Swings (2,1.5)

L2 – (1.5/1)
L1 – (1/0.75)