Keep Calm & Carry Your Dumbbell


Outdoors Primarily – Please do not park in the lot
Street cleaning until 7AM. Please park on the opposite side of Dorchester Ave that the gym is on to avoid a ticket.

1 Minute each
-Lateral Dumbbell Hops
-Alternating High Kicks
-Prison Burpees*
-Alternating Elbow to Instep Stretch
-DB High Pulls**

*3|2 Push Ups at the bottom of each burpee
**30s each side

Mini Band Accessory
40s Work|10s Rest
1. Banded Side Steps
2. Monster Walk
3. Banded Glute Bridge
4. Seated Arnold Press

*Hold Dumbbell at the chest for extra midline in the side step and monster walk. Add it to the hips for more resistance in the bridge

Single Arm Devil’s Press 50|35
Lunge with SA Lockout
Weighted Sit-up

*200m Sprint After Each Set. Carry the dumbbell on every other Run (Sets 18,14,& 10)

Level 2 – 40|25, unweighted Sit-up
Level 1 – 30|15, 14-12-10-8-6-4, unweighted Sit-ups & runs

Extra Work
1 Min Hollow Rocks
1 min Deadbugs
1 Min Bicycle Abs
1 Min Plank
Repeat with 30s