Sports Wellness Appointments – Saturday, October 13th
We are psyched that Dr. Miguel Fernandez will be back at the gym to offer his chiropractic services to Southie athletes. Dr. Fernandez is a graduate of the prestigous New York Chiropractic College. He has been a licensed Chiropractor since 1997… and best of all, he is a CrossFitter! He will be offering treatment at the gym on select Saturday mornings and offers discounted prices for your first visit. He will be here next on Saturday, October 13th. His adjustments include soft tissue work.
Click here to reserve your spot!
3 min Jump Rope
5 Windmills per side
10 Single Leg Deadlift into Single Arm/Single Leg Press per side
5 Arm Bar Stretch per side
Go over kettlebell push press
Banded shoulder stretch from the pull-up bar
10 Rounds
7 Kettlebell Push-presses (1.5,1)
21 Double Unders
Level 2- 1,0.75, 10 Double Unders
Level 1 -0.75,0.5, 40 Singles
ADV – Heavy Rope
-DB sub- 55lb,35lb
4:45 Conditioning WOD
For Time:
1500m Row
50 burpees
150 Double Unders
1500m ski
1.5 Mile Run