JT’s Little Bro On A Boat

Carrie – Sled Pushes

5:00 Dynamic Drills
-Start with low impact (Inchworms, Spider Crawl, Walking 4s)
Pick up speed with High Knees, Butt Kickers, Burpee Broad Jumps, ect

Then Bean Bag Shuttle Sprints
Forwards then backwards

Back Rack Lunge
25’ x 5- Rack to rack
– climb in weight

WOD (20 minute cap)
JT’s little bro on a boat
Row 3/2x Cals
Ring Dips

Level 2 – 9-6-3 Reps or Banded full reps
Level 1 –
Row 2/1.5x Cals
DB Strict Press (25,15)
Bench Dips

ADV – 21-15-9
Bike 2/1.5 cals

Sub DB strict press for Handstand Push-ups if unable to get inverted. Can be applied to any level.

Coaches Note: In this workout you are using the same muscle groups back-to-back. Expect for things to feel much harder than you are used to. Some reps may be impossible to complete. In that case take a quick break, shake it out and try again and/or have scaling options ready.

Extra Work
Max distance in 15:00 Sandbag Carry 100/70. Carry it anyway you like.

*WOD Credit: Linchpin

Bootcamp/Conditioning (6:30AM in Southie Green/4:45PM in Southie Orange)

3 Minutes For Max Calories/Rounds: 1 Minute Rest

Rest 2 additional minutes

2 Minutes for Max Reps.: 1 Minute Rest

1. Row
2. Bike
3. x Distance run- bootcamp-air runner
5. 5 Burpees/20 Double Unders