In between the sets


Grab a judge and retest or…

300m Row
30 Push Press
300m Row
30 Front Squats
300m Row
30 Box Jumps

Hollow Rocks
80 Hollow Rocks

1. Push- press
-Between sets complete x strict muscle-ups

Games- 3
Regional- 1
Open- Transitions from floor

2. Front Squat
-Between sets complete 10 pistols. Add a pvc or barbell overhead depending on your ability

WOD (15 minute hard cap)
3 Rounds
500m Row
15 Squat Cleans
21 Box Jumps

Games 155,115
Regional 135,95
Open 115, 80

A not on Open Testing…
The toaster will be open on Friday’s for toasties that want extra time or to go at their own pace.  You can also find a judge and complete the WOD at any other time during the weekend.    With this option, you will have to team up with somebody else as coaches will be occupied with classes.  This includes retesting on Monday.  Those hoping to qualify for the Regional team will need a judge who has passed the judges course.
For those that want to hit it with more people in class, enjoy the community aspect of the Open, want more structure and not have to worry about finding a judge to team up with, they should take a class.  When taking a class, you can always warm up/Gameplan/prepare more in the toaster for as long as you would like before the class starts.  Once the class starts we expect you to be part of the class and will be expected to also judge one of your peers.