I Got Your Back… Partner

Couple of bros

Couple of bros

If Retesting the Open WOD on Sunday – Rest today

Warm Up
Athletes Choice

Clean Pulls 3-3-3-3-3
@ 105% of max clean

Between sets drill high hang Squat Clean @ 50% of max. Sets of 5 or 10 work on speed under the bar and foot work.

or choose your own strength

Team of 4 (preferably), 3 or 2 Mixed gender where possible Stadium Style Partner WOD.  Each member of the team starts at a different station.  All partners need to be finished with the movement and take a knee before progressing to the next station.

3 Rounds
30/25  calorie row / 200m sandbag run (5/4 bags)
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
14 alternating single arm db squat
snatches (55,35)
25 Box Jumps (24/20; full stand)

As soon as all team members finish the 3 rounds move on to: 500 double unders (teams of 2), 750 (teams of 3), 1000(teams of 4) Teams of 3 and 4 can have 2people working at once…..the math will be tough. Teams of 4 break off into 2 and 2.

Ca$h Out
Full body roll
Make this a priority.
You will thank me later 🙂