Hugo, I go.

Under watchful eyes...
Under watchful eyes…
KaeliOKookies side bar
KAELI-O-KOOKIES- We would like to introduce our new partnership with Kaeli-O-Kookies. Moving forward K-O-K will be making weekly deliveries to Crossfit Southie. What does that mean for you? You can now place orders online @ and have then delivered to our box. Currently available are the CoCo Chip and Honey Berry flavors (more flavors soon). All K-O-K products are Paleo inspired and baked fresh weekly. They are created to “Satisfy Your Caveman Cravings.” Simply log onto place your order and upon check out, select “Local Pickup” and choose Crossfit Southie. All orders placed by 9pm on Thursday night will be delivered the following Monday morning.

Partner WOD
Row 500m each
Row 250m each
Then one partner completes a full round while the other partner rests:
10 Rounds total (5 rounds each) of
10 Wallballs
10 Toes to Bar
Row 500m each
Row 250m each

Level 2- (8 Rounds)
Level 1- (6 Rounds)