
Warm up
1 minute of squat jumps
1minute of hollow rocks
1 miute of hr push ups
1 minute of Lunge Jumps
1 minute of back extensions or supermans

Video – Stretch out the legs
1minute on each leg kneeling hip flexor on the wall – quad and hip whatever needs more work
1 minute on hamstring flossing
1 minute on external hip stretch with a band

Strength – 20 mins
High Bar Box Squat

WOD (25-30 min)
AMRAP 8 minutes
3 Hang Power Clean
8 Burpee Lateral Jump

Games (225/155)
Regional (185/135)
Open (165/115)

Rest 5 minutes

With a partner
1 round of rowing tosh
Row 250
Rest while your partner rows 250
Same for 500m
Same for 750m