Hott Fresh Hats in Stock

mike manna rope
Manna Up!

New Hott Fresh CFS beanies just in time for the chili weather -25 big ones at the desk while supplies last.

1 Min Stations/No Rest
Jump Rope
Good Mornings
Double Under
Back Squats w/ Pause
Double or Triple Unders
Stiff Legged Deadlifts

Back Squat
10 Reps @ 65%
10 Reps @70%
10 Reps@ 75%

Of 1 RM

Rest 3-4 Minutes between sets

*There should be 2 warm-up sets with 5 reps before the 1st set of 10

Tabata 20s work:10s Rest
Double Unders
Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
Rest 1 Minute between exercises

Score= Lowest number of reps during the 8 intervals- 3 different scores

Level 2- 1.5,1
Level 1- 1, 0.75, singles
ADV- GHD Sit-ups

Extra Work
12:00 AMRAP
7 Sandbag Clean (140/90)
100’ Sandbag Hug Carry
7 Strict Handstand Push-Up

ADV- Strict Deficit (5/3)
Scaled – (90/70) Kipping HSPU