Outdoors Primarily
Carly Stote will be hosting Complimentary 15 minute Physical Therapy Screenings on Wednesday night from 5-7:40. Sign up through our google sheet link on the blog or email [email protected]
Physical therapy screenings are performed on those who may have pain, tightness, mobility limitations, and/or weakness. These screenings include basic tests that measure range of motion, motor control, strength, & flexibility. Based on these findings, the physical therapist will give you an opinion on the best path of treatment.
You can reserve your appointment through the following link:
Warm Up
2 Rounds
:30 Work/:15 Rest
-Mt. Climbers
-Banded Deadlift
-Elevator Push-Up
-Banded Hollow Rocks
-Banded High Pull
3 Position Snatch
High Hang
Mid Hang
*Coaches Note – 2 options here. Go heavy and do 1 High Hang the first minute, 1 Mid Hang the second minute and 1 Floor the 3rd minute and continue to rotate in that fashion. Alternatively, if you are new to movement and/or want to stay lighter and work technique you can perform all three within the minute each time or every other minute.
In 4 minutes Complete
50 Sit-ups
5 Deadlifts 225|155
10 Push-ups
Rest 1 Minute
In 4 minutes Complete
40 Sit-ups
5 Deadlifts
10 Push-ups
Rest 1 Minute
In 4 minutes Complete
30 Sit-ups
5 Deadlifts
10 Push-ups
Rx+ – 245|170
Level 2- 185|125
Level 1- 135|95
ADV- Toes to Bar, Ring Dips, 275,185
Extra Work
50|40 Cals Ski
40 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder 140|90
Rest 2 Minutes
40|30 Cals Ski
30 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder
30|20 Cals Ski
Rest 2 Minutes
30|20 Cals Ski
20 GHD Sit Ups
10 Sandbag Over the Shoulder
20|10 Cals Ski