Member Survey
First, I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to fill out our member survey. To those of you that are relatively new to the gym, a very special thanks to you because your answers are much different than the general membership and are fantastic to hear. There are now 102 completed surveys (holy moly what an amazing subject pool), and are hoping to hear from more of you. We truly appreciate your honesty and opinions and will share a few of the responses in regards to programming with the community because I am sure you are wondering how some of these answers shook out! If you have not completed the survey yet, or did not find it in your inbox please click here
Upcoming Events!
Southie On The Beach
Join us for another Southie Social in the sand! We’ll have volleyball matches going on throughout the day, no pre-registration required!! We’ll make teams and rotate as the day goes on. If volleyball isn’t your thing don’t worry! Come down and hang out with us, we’ll also have cornhole and spikeball!
Party starts at 10AM but feel free to stop in at anytime.
Date/Time: Sunday, 8/12 at 10AM
Location: Carson Beach, Southie!
Annual Bar Crawl
Save the date for our annual CFS Barcrawl. Get outside the box and get social with us! Details will follow, for now save the date!! Saturday, September 8th! We can’t wait to spend more time with you!
Agility Ladder
Trap mash with the Barbell
800m Run
20 Hang Power Cleans (135,95)
20 BAR-F Burpees
800m Run
20 BAR-F Burpees
20 Hang Power Cleans
800m Run
Level 2 – 115/80
Level 1 – 75/45
ADV- 165/115
Coaches Note – Pace the run appropriately in order to quickly pick up the barbell and get through the cleans in ideally 2 sets.
Extra Work
Back squat 3-3-3-3 reps
Thruster 3-3-3-3 reps
4 attempts at a max L-sit hold for time
Scroll for scaling options.
Post loads and time in L-sit holds to comments.