Memorial WOD: “Poitras”

Today we will be coming together as a community to honor our friend Justin Poitras. Justin was a former marine and a Boston Firefighter. He died July, 4th 2018 from a head injury he sustained in a collision when riding his motorcycle. Justin has saved 6 lives with his healthy, thriving organs that were donated shortly after his passing.

Today we will be running classes on a normal schedule. Anyone is more than welcome to join us for this memorial workout. All we ask is that if you are not a paying member that you give a donation to Justin’s family. We have noticed that many members have already donated and we very much appreciate your generosity. Let’s come together as much as we can to help this mourning family.

Neighboring Affiliates- If you have the opportunity to work this into your programming on Saturday or next week that would mean a lot to us. The link to donate to Justin’s family is here.

The workout is as follows:

In 31 Minutes
42 Calories on the Assault Bike
7 Strict Pull-ups
4 Deadlifts 335, 225
18 Push-ups
400m Run

Every other 400m Run complete with a 48/36lb sandbag. If you do not have a sandbag work in an odd object such as a kettlebell or medicine ball.

Bike Sub/Modification
Ladies= x0.8 Calories (34 Cals)
Ski erg= x1.25 Calories
Rower= x1.5 Calories

Level 4- 315,205
Level 3- 275,185
Level 2- 225, 135
Level 1- 145, 95

31- Years of Age
42- Engine Number
7-4-18- Date of passing

It all starts off with a tribute bike ride. Justin LOVED heavy deadlifts and also liked workouts with basic bodyweight movements that he did in the marines- strict pull-ups and push-ups. The sandbag is to signify running with a load of firefighter gear.

Please join us in celebrating the life of this amazing soul. For any further questions or information please email [email protected]

Extra Work
Heavy Karen
150 Wallballs for time (30/20)