Hero WOD “Helton”

AT HOME FITNESS – Live coached WODs on Zoom at 12pm & 530pm today. Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times. Follow the link in our bio to join—-> https://zoom.us/j/491227192

Warm Up
2 Rounds
200m Jog
10 180 Squat Jumps
10 Burps
10 dead bugs each side

Quad Stretch
Pigeon Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Calf Stretch

3 Rounds
800m Run
30 DB Squat Cleans 50’s|35’s
30 Burpees

Barbel sub = 115|80

Level 2- 40’s|25’s or 95|65, 600m, 20 Reps
Level 1- 30’s|15’s or 65|35 400, 15 Reps

Core Ca$hOut
Tabata Abs
20 on 10 off = 4 mins

Hollow hold
Bicycle abs
Leg Raises
Plank ups*

Plank Ups*
Leg Raises
Bicycle Abs
Hollow Hold

No 10 second rest between sets of plank ups, continue doing plank ups straight through for a total of 50s

Extra Work
E3MOM15 (5 sets)
3 Front Squats
5501 tempo*

Lower for 5 seconds, spend 5 seconds in the bottom, explode up and 1 second reset at the top