3 Rounds
400m Run
21 Swings (1.5/1)
12 Pull-ups
**If it is raining we ill be substituting 500m rows**
Our goal is to work to do each WOD in the least amount of time possible, with as little modifications as possible. The key to fitness is intensity. Very often, the shortest wods, when done in an all out fashion, are the most intense and produce the greatest fitness results. Get comfortable being uncomfortable, that’s how we get better at CrossFit and at life.
It’s your responsibility to start looking at each workout and deciding which approach you are going to take to get it done the fastest. Depending upon the amount of work in the WOD, you may pace it differently. For example, if “Helen” was only one round for time you would probably run the fastest 400m as you possibly could. In this case, where we are doing three rounds, you may want to pace the runs and try to not break up the swings and pull-ups. The key to producing fast times in CrossFit is to not catch yourself standing around. Keep moving at all times! Don’t put that kettlebell down, jump right back up on that bar. Once you can do the WOD unbroken, do it faster. There are men that complete Helen in under 7 minutes and women in just over 7 minutes, what’s your Helen time? Post to comments.