CrossFit Endurance Seminar



CrossFit HQ is holding an endurance seminar here at CFS on October the 5th and 6th.  You do not need to be CrossFit L1 certified to take this course.  If you are interested in becoming a more efficient runner and learning how to program for yourself or others to help improve those 5k to marathon times, this course is for you.  We had to really pull to get this seminar at CFS and it will sell out quickly so please take advantage and sign up as soon as possible.  Click  here to sign up.   Here is a little more info on the course…

The Endurance course is a powerful weekend of getting faster, stronger and increasing overall fitness/performance.  Led by one of our head coaches for CrossFit Endurance, you will get both in depth education as well as a unique opportunity to be (run) evaluated throughout the weekend.

This is a Course that is the ideal CrossFit Level 1 compliment. A Level 1 is NOT a prerequisite  to attend an Endurance Course. This introduction to CrossFit Endurance fundamentals is ideal for coaches/trainers, all endurance athletes, CrossFit athletes looking to shave WOD times or simply for those of you looking to fine tune your run mechanics.

In addition to the individual coaching we focus on biomechanics, the science of running, nutrition, injury prevention, and programming implementation.  We focus on quality of training, not quantity.

The weekend is full of current content that you can apply immediately.  Racing, training or getting more powerful – you’ll walk (or run!) away with a refreshing perspective of how endurance training should be done.

Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes
Odd- 3 Heavy Squat Cleans
Even- 1 Squat Clean Thruster

10 Rounds
5 Hang Squat Cleans (155,105)
100m Sprint

Level 3 (135,95)
Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95,65)