There will be no formal 9am class today. All of the coaches are renewing their CPR/AED cert at this time. Feel free to come by and take advantage of the Open Gym.
Just a reminder to get excited about the upcoming scavenger hunt followed by the anniversary party taking place on October 19th. It is a great way to meet new people, explore the city and get a workout in. We take amazingly awesome Crossfit pictures and videos during the day then they are shown on a big screen at the anniversary party. The entire day/night is a ton of fun so if you’re on the fence about either don’t be…just come!
Also, we are hosting the Southie Showdown and the more judges and volunteers we have on hand the smoother it goes for everybody involved. It would be greatly appreciated if you would help us in any capacity the weekend of November 9th and 10th. Signing up to help will sure gain brownie points with your coaches and maybe gets you out of penalty burpees down the road (just kidding, not a chance!) but seriously click the link and sign up if you’re available, we are going to need all the help we can get!
Judges and Volunteer Sign Up Here
15 Front squats 185,115
300m sprint
12 Power Cleans 185,115
200m sprint
9 Push-presses 185,115
100m sprint
L3- 135/95
L2- 115/75
L1- 95/65
Ca$h Out
Partner Leg Raises/Throws!