Going up top


Warm Up -15 min
3 rounds of:
5 jump and lands without a barbell
10 split jerks – working on jumping from the hips, moving the feet fast, getting under the barbell and landing in a nice stable position
10 2 fer 1 wallballs
15 kipping swings

10 minutes of overhead mobility

Strength – 20 minutes
Split Jerk

WOD – 20 minutes
5 rounds of
5 Jerks
20 stand up on the box jumps

TJ (225)
Games (205/155)
Regional (185/135)
Open (155/110)

Most sets of the jerks, if not all, should be push jerks and should be unbroken here. Choose your weight wisely.

After Party
GHD Situps
Feet on a box HR PushUps (24/20)