Amy and Goose get Hitched
Box closes at 1pm today!
Rowing Class back on at 11:30
Normal Schedule tomorrow
Partner WOD that they won!!!
*Just a quick note on the next two weeks, midday classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday may only have one coach on due to Goose and Amy’s absence. We have found coverage for all other classes but toasties during afternoon hours on these days will be expected to take charge on their own. Thank you for your understanding!*
CRCF 2011 Partner WOD
100 Overhead squats (95,65)
100 Box Jumps (24, 20)
100 Power Cleans (95,65)
100 Burpees
Complete 20 swings after the completion of each movement (70,53)
You may partition the weights between the partners however you would like.
Level 2 (75,50)
Level 1 (65,35)-50 reps of each