Get technical and build some beach muscles

Warm Up
50 dubs
15 pass throughs
50 dubs
15 pass throughs in a ¾ squat
50 dubs
15 pass throughs in a full squat
3 minutes working on triple unders

3 Position Snatch
(Without removing hands from the bar)

1- Floor
2- Low Hang (at knee)
3- High Hang (Hip Crease & Pockets)
*Should be full Squat Snatch

Beach musclessss
5 Cycles
5 Bent Over Rows
Rest 60 seconds
5 Bench Press
Rest 60s

100 Double Unders
Max Consecutive Chest to Bar Pull-ups
75 Double Unders
Max Consecutive Chest to Bar Pull-ups
50 Double Unders
Max Consecutive Chest to Bar Pull-ups
25 Double Unders
Max Consecutive Chest to Bar Pull-ups

**Your score is your total max consecutive Chest to Bar pull-ups. And your total time**

Games – 20lb vest
Regional – Unloaded – Butterfly C2B
Open – Kipping C2B