Gassed Out – CFS



Rowing Classes will be-held in Southie Orange from 830-930am for the next four Saturdays with our in house Rowing Coach Liz Carr- Everyone is welcome!
This Saturday’s Erg WOD –
 1. Warm-up & technique drills
 2. 3x1000m @ 2k pace + 3-5 seconds
    1:1 rest
 3. 4×250 on 2 minutes
    Alternating single unders or air squats during rest

Important Nutrition Challenge Info
The 2017 Winter Nutrition Challenge officially begins on Sunday, January 22nd. It’s not too late to sign up to participate! We’ve got 60 people already signed up and you won’t want to miss out on the fun. Don’t find yourself six weeks from now looking at everyone’s results and wishing you’d jumped on board… sign up today! If you want to participate and haven’t yet signed up, please be sure to sign up HERE so you can stay in the loop on all important info!

If you missed the lecture, you can access the packet HERE for great nutrition info and all challenge rules. Even if you don’t plan to participate in the challenge, we highly recommend everyone read through this information to learn more about fueling your body properly for workouts.

Next week is an important week to gear up for the challenge! See below for important dates!
Benchmark Testing – Tuesday 1/17 during All Classes
Baseline Measurements & Weigh Ins:
Tuesday 1/17 – Midday & Evening Classes
Wednesday 1/18 – Morning Classes
Thursday 1/19 – Morning & Evening Classes
Friday 1/10 – Morning Classes

Front Squat

400m Run (500m Row sub)
15 Squat Clean Thrusters (115,75)
400m Run
12 Squat Clean Thrusters
400m Run
9 Squat Clean Thrusters

Level 2- (95,65)
Level 1- (75,45)