*Weekend Schedule – Classes will be regularly scheduled today with the exception of the 7:30 am Advanced Class. Coach Berretta will be at the helm. We will only have one class at 9am on Sunday led by Coach Masley. There will be no Sunday 10am class. Come support your fellow Southie CrossFitters at the Garage Games this weekend at CFNE, we have 22 athletes representing!
Medball partner toss
WOD Garage Games event #1
” The Lark “
3 Rounds For Time:
16 Power Cleans (155, 105)
600 Meter Run
L2 (115,80)
L1 (95,65)
if it’s pouring out you may sub 750m rows or 150 double unders for the run but just know that the competitors will be running in the rain.