Equipment Drop off from 8:30-1 Today. Sunday times TBD.
Temps look too frigid for a Pop Up. If the mid-morning Sunshine warms up enough to run a safe class today or Sunday we will post to our Instagram Story.
Otherwise, we are all systems go indoors beginning Monday. Open Gym will still be offered throughout the day in Southie Orange with sign ups required. In Green we will be running 17 WOD spots and 11 MOD WOD spots at each class time.
We are fortunate enough to have a very large space which allows us to stay well under the 25% capacity guideline while going well above the recommendations for spacing between masked athletes.
If you have ever worked out indoors at CFS in the winter, you also know first hand that although we are protected from the elements, it is definitely not much warmer then being outside. The box is well ventilated to say the least!
In the best interest of everyone’s safety, we will be opening doors on unseasonably warmer days. Please Continue to Dress WARM! We should all be somewhat acclimated by now 🙂
Warm Up
Run 1 loop*
2 Rounds
1:00 Work/No Rest
-Jump Rope*
-Med Ball Front Squat with Press out at the bottom
-Hollow Hold with Medball Overhead
-Shoulder Taps with Feet on medball
*90 seconds out and back if running from home
Row – 600M
Bike – 1 Mile
Shoulder Opening
Glute and Hamstring rolling
Midline Madness
2x Through
40s Work: 20s Rest
- Plank-ups feet on med ball
- Jack Knives w med ball
- Russian Twists
- Knee Tucks feet on med ball
- 40 Double Unders
- 15 Wall Balls 20|14
- 25 Sit-ups
- 15 Push-ups
- 8|6 Strict Pull-ups
Level 2- 20 Double unders
Level 1- 80 Singles
Rx+ – 50 Dubs, 20 Wall Balls, 20 V-Ups, 20 Push Ups, 10|8 Strict Pull Ups
1. 60 Double Unders
2. 25 Wall Balls
3. 20 Med Ball V-ups
4. 15 Strict HSPUs
5. 12|10 Strict Pull-ups
At Home WOD
- 40 Mountain Climbers
- 15 Object Thrusters*-
- 25 Sit-ups
- 15 Push-ups
- 15 Bent-over Rows*
* If Single Arm, Complete 8 on each side
Extra Work
Front Rack Lunges*
*After each set
90 seconds of Strict Handstand Push Ups
Rest as needed between sets
Modify HSPU with an ab mat or seated strict press
ADV – 4”/2” Deficit HSPU