The Crossfit Community is made up of the most amazing people, I feel so fortunate to be a part of it. The picture above shows my support system: Monica, Marlies and Melissa. We go out on the town for dinner and drinks a couple times a month. I met all three of them at CrossFit Boston, and even though we aren’t all at the same noon class everyday together any more, they will be my friends forever. Monica is now a coach at CFB, Melissa is opening Charles River CrossFit in Needham, and Marlies is busy being a laywer while progressing more and more each day as a crossfitter. Our ages range from 26 to 46 and our paths may have never crossed without Crossfit, but I am thankful they did!
CrossFit Southie isn’t just a gym, it’s also a community. Introduce yourself to the person standing next to you, who knows?…they could end up being your best friend. Most CrossFitters are people who enjoy working hard, staying healthy, and feeling good. Good people!
Clean and jerk
10 Rounds
1 Clean and Jerk (choose your weight)
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats